Is the one feeding less worthy than the one leading?
(A Post-Feminist Manifesto)

Is the one feeding less worthy than the one leading?

This question surfaces in my head as I swim through the deluge of our time - the deluge of information enabled by internet; the deluge of sea water resulted from global warming; the deluge of rubbish created by human society.

Eating, getting nourishment, as well as feeding and providing nourishment, are activities so easy to do that they win no respect. Developing more advanced mobile phones, for example, is an activity much more valued.

Eventually, what matters is not how we enjoy the abundance offered to us in this world, either through eating, or other more mental and complex activities. What matters is whether we feel gratitude and are careful when we take from the earth.

The lack of care or gratitude when things can be obtained easily creates the severest problem facing us nowadays. We human beings have grown so powerful as science advances that a reexamination of our relationship with the earth, the environment is urgently needed.

The dysfunctional relationship between human civilization and the environment correlates with the often dysfunctional relationship between men and women on earth.

I propose a new form of feminism. Women are naturally powerful. We do not need to fight incessantly to take from men what we imagine they have and we do not. Exploitation is not the solution to exploitation. When women and men live together peacefully, each feeling secure, we naturally offer each other help and protection.

True femininity does not lie in getting it back at men in the way they did - or we claim they did, fighting for a share of everything they have, or striving to prove we can do everything they are able to. To be fair, men will never be able to give birth to new life, would they? We do not have to have exactly the same power to be equal.

True femininity is containing, self-balancing. If we want to help the earth to recover and find her own balance, we must first recover true femininity in us as human, in us as women.

As women, we need to respect the role of giving and nourishing, to the simplest form. Just because it comes naturally does not mean it deserves no respect.

As women, we must recognize our power simply as women. Negating our value as women starves our hearts. The ensued insecurity in us drives us to seize trophies from outside to hide our inner emptiness by committing activities such as: objectifying our own body to lure men, trying to match up with men in all aspects as if we were competitors with identical features, belittling what makes us different. Unhealthy relationship patterns contaminate. The insecurity continues to pass down generations through unhealthy mother-son or mother-daughter relationships.

When we grow up in dysfunctional families where our value is not properly recognized, we are driven by our insecurity to exploit others. Instead of just saying what we want we use manipulation. Irresponsible big corporations exploit earth nature through excessive sourcing; we exploit human nature through manipulative advertising and marketing strategies - we do it to “the market”, we do it to our fellow workers; we do it at work, we do it outside of work. Nature is given no room to return to her self-balancing abilities. Human beings are given no room to connect to their inner feelings.

Let’s start by learning to nourish our hearts by growing healthier form of femininity. Our world is full of abundance. We just need to know where to look. There may be old thought patterns to be aware of and new habits to form.

A wholistic perspective taking into account the power, the abundance, as well as the vulnerability of our earth, would give us a whole new dimension when we conduct more complex activities, be it designing new rockets or discovering more advanced theories on the origin of our universe.


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