Einstein Completed Western Civilization (2018.10.21)

La cucina cinese (2018) - Italian translation of "About Chinese Cuisine" by Giacomo

About Chinese Cuisine (2018) - Words for my Italian friends who asked me about Chinese healthy diet. 1076 words. 

Make Love Happen (2014) - A short story. 834 words.

The Mirrored World (2013) - A very short story. 130 words. 

Dialogue on A Woman Having A Mature Mind and A Young Body - A short story. 547 words. 

Presley Taillon's Trouble (2013) - A short story. 3013 words. 

The Bittersweet Endive (2013) - A short story. 1000 words.

Aren't You Too Old for This (2013) - A short story. 662 words.

Confession of A Lost Soul (2013) - A short story. 1047 words.

An Autumn Day In Paris (2013) - A short story. 666 words.

Big Panic (2009) - Animal stories not for children. Homage to Haruki Murakami's short stories. 324 words. 

 - 短篇故事,1598字。
惊慌失措(2009) - 不适合小孩看的动物故事,受村上春树的小故事启发,450字。
在克拉科夫寻找一个出口(2009)- 短篇故事,3178字。
母亲(2008)- 随笔,547字。
父亲(2008)- 随笔,387字。
布鲁塞尔的点滴印象(2009)- 随笔,6272字。
蓝袜子黄袜子(2008)- 写给成人看的童话故事,706字。
火车开在普罗旺斯(2008)- 短篇故事,1806字。

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